Client Success Maturity Assessment

Invest in your clients, invest in your business.

Why a Client Success Maturity Assessment?

The Customer Success Maturity Assessment (CSMA) is a dive into your business to benchmark where you are on your client success journey - an impartial piece of third-party insight that provides you, as a business leader, a view of your organisational landscape through a client lens. It highlights key areas in need of enhancement as well as those areas of friction that are detrimentally impacting the client journey and/or experience - and having a limiting effect on your success.

Is it for me?

You recognise your business needs to embrace greater client-centricity. Perhaps there are consistent themes in client feedback or you’re actually losing clients due to service problems. It’s one thing to address these in a tactical way, but isn’t it better to address the root cause in order to prevent re-occurrence? The CSMA is where you start.

Assessment components

  • Kick-off - here’s where we agree how we’re going to engage, the time commitment involved, which contributors are necessary and what good looks like.

  • Deep-dive - this is a series of interviews to learn about your business that covers both the internal and external factors at play:

    • Internal factors: leadership, strategy, budgets and people, process and metrics, technology.

    • External factors: what your various stakeholders think of you - from clients to partners.

  • Analysis - the meat on the bones, your maturity assessment and benchmarking. Are you developing, at baseline or leading?

  • Playback - delivery of your snapshot report to outline and illustrate where you are, what your clients/partners have to say about you and what you might consider as next-steps.

Follow-up components

  • With digestion of the report complete, we’ll get together and compile a roadmap to progress you along your client success journey, with specific and prioritised tasks and time frames.

Ongoing check-in

  • This is what keeps you on track as I’ll remain on hand throughout the process of roadmap execution, supporting your progress with personalised coaching to help drive success.

  • “Jaime has always been someone to rely on. Not to tell me what I want to hear, but what I need to know. He's a 'consider-it-done' kind of person and a good communicator. I'd always expect great client outcomes if he's involved.”

    Neil C

Ready to talk?

Client Success Services

  • Client Portfolio Development

    Transform your account managers into client success managers and drive exponentially better business growth through considered and strategic retention & expansion.

  • Fractional Client Success Leadership

    Whether it’s ‘try before you buy’ or otherwise, this fractional support allows you to add a strategic senior adviser to your team to your team for client success direction on a part-time basis.

  • 1:1 Client Success Coaching

    From building strong client relationships and commercials to handling difficult conversations, this coaching equips you to drive consistent and sustainable growth out of your business.