Client Portfolio Development

Maximise client satisfaction, optimise business success.

Why Client Portfolio Development?

Client Portfolio Development is here to help you validate and formalise how you service your clients, so you can tangibly understand and grow the ROI derived from this part of your business. Expect to get clarity on departmental KPIs, remuneration measures, pipeline management, team structure and process, as well as revenue flow through the business.

Note too that while this may well begin life as a standalone project, it could also be differently integrated to form a new way of working - a structured framework with which to guide how you service your clients - both existing and new.

Is it for me?

Growing your business doesn’t have to be wholly reliant on attracting and acquiring new business - in fact it really shouldn’t be. Of course there needs to be a healthy balance between acquisition and retention, but do you know what balance should be? And are you achieving it?

Let’s not forget how much more costly* it is to acquire net new business….

Service components

  • Kick-off - here’s where we agree how we’re going to engage, the time commitment involved and what good looks like.

  • Discovery - this is either a series of one-to-one interviews, a group workshop or a combination of the two, all to ascertain:

    • How you currently service your clients in terms of team structure and approach.

    • The current insight you obtain from this approach and what challenges you’re experiencing.

    • What you’re looking to achieve in the future.

    • How are we measuring success and over what period?

    • How does this align with the overall business (growth) strategy and objectives?

  • Analysis - during analysis, I review the discovery findings, consider the current ‘as-is’ situation and devise some possible ‘to-be’ solutions for further consideration and adoption.

  • Playback - delivery of my understanding of the current ‘as-is’ situation and presentation of the possible ‘to-be’ options alongside any implications of note, suggested time frames, expected benefits and proposed next steps

Follow-up components

  • Having had time to consider the proposed options and selected a preferred route, we’ll get together to compile the roadmap that will help you realise your client portfolio development improvements - with specific steps to execute over an agreed timeframe and with explicit measures of success.

Ongoing check-in

  • Throughout the process of roadmap execution I remain on hand to support your success, with ongoing coaching and regular progress reports.

*(up to 5x more according to Bain & Company)

  • "Jaime is confident, professional, strategic, open and supportive. I felt he demonstrated all of those characteristics regularly and always listened to our goals and ambitions before coming back with routes to deliver."

    Mike B

Ready to talk?

Other Services

  • Client Success Maturity Assessment

    A deep dive into your business that benchmarks where you are on your client success journey and delivers a robust roadmap for making your future ambitions a reality.

  • Fractional Client Success Leadership

    Whether it’s ‘try before you buy’ or otherwise, this fractional support allows you to add a strategic senior adviser to your team to your team for part-time client success direction.

  • 1:1 Client Success Coaching

    From building strong client relationships and commercials to handling difficult conversations, this coaching equips you to drive consistent and sustainable growth out of your business.