Fractional Client Success Leadership

Expert insight, fractional cost.

Why Fractional Client Success Leadership?

The addition of a seasoned client success director on your team, on a part-time basis to help your client success transition. This is the stop-gap after you’ve embraced the need for greater client-centricity and before you invest in hiring a formal client success specialist or team.

Is it for me?

You’re keen to advance your business to the next level of growth and you know (or are starting to understand) that client success is a key piece of the puzzle. A fractional client success lead is how you dip your toe - leveraging all benefits of my experience and insight without having to (yet) go the whole hog and make a full-time hire.

Possible service components

As a fractional role within your business, any actual engagement would of course shape itself to your particular needs - with the precise delivery components subject to that. As a guideline however, you might expect some to see some, if not all, of the following: 

  • Voice of the customer representation.

  • Executive sponsorship of select client portfolio.

  • Client escalation management (with root cause identification and eventual resolution).

  • Training provision and coaching for client/account/customer success management team.

  • Client journey mapping and friction hunting (working out the kinks in the process - for good).

  • Team structure and process reviews.


As an experienced client success director I’ve seen my fair share of ambitious organisations trying to navigate their way to growth - the pitfalls faced and the wins achieved. As a fractional lead working within the business, I can help you avoid some of those pitfalls and experience more of those wins.

  • "Jaime quickly & easily connects with people. Good listener. Strong speaker who knows how to say things so that people listen and want to come along."

    Phil J

Ready to talk?

Other Services

  • Client Success Maturity Assessment

    A deep dive into your business that benchmarks where you are on your client success journey and delivers a robust roadmap for making your future ambitions a reality.

  • Client Portfolio Development

    Transform your account managers into client success managers and drive exponentially better business growth through considered and strategic retention & expansion.

  • 1:1 Client Success Coaching

    From building strong client relationships and commercials to handling difficult conversations, this coaching equips you to drive consistent and sustainable growth out of your business.